Tim Hiorns (Minister): Tim started as our Minister in September 2021, moving here with his wife Lucy and their two young daughters. He loves chatting about the Christian faith with anyone who’s interested. He previously served churches in Crowborough and London, and co-authored Dig Deeper into the Gospels. You’re most likely to find the family out and about in the great outdoors or enjoying brunch in one of Windsor’s independent coffee shops. Email Tim.
Grant Thomas (Elder): Grant is an Engineer from the US. He and his wife Dixie have been with Grace Church since 2021, and have three children who all live in the US. While newcomers to the UK, Grant and Dixie have been encouraged to grow deeper in their faith while at Grace Church and enjoy making new friends around the shared community of the gospel.

Miles Windsor (Elder): Miles is married to Sarah and they have two young children. They have been attending Grace Church since they moved to Berkshire in 2020. Miles works in politics and international affairs as a religious freedom campaigner focused on the Middle East. Miles and Sarah are deeply thankful to God for the blessing of loving friendship they have experienced since joining Grace Church, and they are excited to see all that God has planned in the future.
James Dancer (Minister in Training): Previously a secondary school music teacher, in 2020 James decided to put down his baton and pick up a bible to train for Christian ministry. He joined us in 2022 from a church in Greenwich. Alongside his involvement with Grace Church, he’s enrolled on the Cornhill Plus training course. James is married to Immy, they have two young girls, and he is a keen drummer.
Tim Davies (our AMiE Bishop): A bishop’s primary role is to serve local churches through their biblical teaching, prayerfulness, sharing of their ministry wisdom and their active relational care of local pastors. We’re delighted that Tim is committed to doing this for us.
Tim was born and brought up in East Africa. After starting his working life in business and the motor industry, he has since served churches in rural Oxfordshire and Sheffield. He was the founding minister at Christ Church Central in 2003, where he continues to serve, and was consecrated an Assistant Bishop for AMiE in 2022.
Grace Church Windsor is registered with the Charity Commission under the name Windsor Fellowship Trust (Charity Number: 1166996). You can find a list of our trustees here.