Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Cor. 9:7 NIV)
Giving to the work of your church family should be a joy. As Christians, we don’t give because we’re instructed to, but we give in response to a God who has already given us everything. Rather than stipulating a fixed amount, the New Testament places an emphasis on generous, abundant, sacrificial, cheerful giving. So, what would that look like for you? Pray about it, talk about it, act on it. Then plan to regularly review your giving, as a spiritual act of service. At different times in your life, your giving may go up, or down, depending on your circumstances.
We are entirely funded by the giving of regular attendees of Grace Church. We don’t take a collection during our services, but we have set up a regular giving scheme. This structure gives us the ability to claim Gift Aid and provides appropriate accountability, confidentiality and control.
These days, probably the easiest way to donate is to use Internet Banking to set up a regular payment. If you do that, please make sure to send in a giving form so that payments coming in can be matched up with their intended purpose and Gift Aid can be reclaimed if appropriate. If you prefer, Bankers Orders are an alternative mechanism.
Click here to download our Giving Form and Gift Aid Declaration. For more information, please email our Finance team. Please send completed forms to Andy, our Treasurer.
Please see our financial controls policy, reserves policy, and conflict of interest policy. Also, you can review the accounts of the Windsor Fellowship Trust on the Charity Commission website. Please note that all donations received will be assumed to be unrestricted in purpose unless the donor states otherwise in writing at the time of the donation.